Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Annotated Bibliography On The Implications Of Psychopathic...

Annotated Bibliography and Outline Lilienfeld, S. O., Waldman, I. D., Landfield, K., Watts, A. I., Rubenzer, S., Faschingbauel, T. R. (2012). Fearless dominance and the U.S. presidency: Implications of psychopathic Personality traits for successful and unsuccessful political leadership. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 103(3), 489-505. Lilienfeld et al., (2010) examined the attentiveness of psychopathic personality traits that aligned with job performance and leadership of the past presidents including George W. Bush, whereas their successful or unsuccessful behaviors were a matter of public records. The description of a psychopathic personality is conveyed as superficial charm along with other descriptions such as egocentricity, dishonesty, guiltlessness, callousness, and risk taking, which are based personality traits (Lilienfeld et al., 2010). According to Lilienfeld et al., (2012) there were about 8 listed limitations with fruitful directions for further research; however, the study and the findings didn’t address the questions between boldness and political performance. In the results, it was raised that boldness often associated with psychopathy advantages within a host of occupations and social roles. Clearly it’s warranted further investigation of the implications of boldness for leadership is needed. Odom, S. F., Body, B. L., Williams, J. (2012). Impact of Personal Growth Projects on Leadership Identity Development. Journal of LeadershipShow MoreRelatedEssay on Annotated Bibliography: Leadership1362 Words   |  6 Pagesï » ¿ Annotated Bibliography Yolanda Bowie Grand Canyon University Annotated Bibliography Lilienfeld, S. O., Waldman, I. D., Landfield, K., Watts, A. L., Rubenzer, S., Faschingbauer, T. R. (2012). Fearless dominance and the U.S. presidency: Implications of psychopathic personality traits for successful and unsuccessful political leadership.  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,  103(3), 489 -505. http://library.gcu.edu:2048/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com.libraryRead MoreRes 811 Synthesis Paper1363 Words   |  6 Pagesinformation to ensure successful completion of the assignment: †¢ Refer to the annotated bibliography and outline you created in the Module 5 assignment along with the assignment feedback from your instructor. †¢ Review: Lilienfeld, S. O., Waldman, I. D., Landfield, K., Watts, A. L., Rubenzer, S., Faschingbauer, T. R. (2012). Fearless dominance and the U.S. presidency: Implications of psychopathic personality traits for successful and unsuccessful political leadership.Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

Monday, December 16, 2019

Trail of ghenus khan Free Essays

Mr.. Genesis Khan not being civilized, I believe that the Mongol Warrior (Adam) helped bring out the fact that Mr. We will write a custom essay sample on Trail of ghenus khan or any similar topic only for you Order Now . Khan was Indeed innocent of this accusation. This Mongol warrior brought forth the fact that they did indeed give the civilizations a chance to surrender to the Mongols. The Mongol warrior also acknowledged the laws that Mr.. Khan had made, (This was backed up by the Historian Javelin (Rachel) and the research that was done by that errors). He also brought forth the fact that, many people thought that there warfare, was part of being civilized, but when we asked the prosecuting witnesses, (the ones before the Mongol Warrior was called up), what the deflation of being Cleveland was, many of the prosecuting witnesses did not Involve warfare Into their definition of being civilized. The Mongol warrior also helped us when the other prosecuting attorneys tried to ask him questions that were related to warfare, Instead of being elated to the main question, â€Å"Is Mr.. Khan cellared, we then brought them to a dead end, with us (the defensive attorney’s) putting objections towards their questions, because their question’s had nothing to do with the main topic of the trial. The prosecuting side then ran out of questions to ask, due to irrelevance of the questions that they were asking. On the opposing side, the Mustangs, caliph of Baghdad (Harrison) presented the most convincing evidence, to go against Mr.. Genesis khan. This witness was a victim f the torment, this man was, I believe, rolled up in a carpet drug around beaten and trampled until dead. This man also had answers for most of our questions, and was ready for almost anything. In this simulation, I liked that we all worked together as a group, and we each had an important part in the trial. When we work as a group, the work seemed to go faster. For instance, my partner and I were both defensive attorneys, and when it came to looking for questions to ask our witnesses, we were both able to come up tit many different kinds, and when we were up there asking the questions we both took turns asking them and retrieving the answers. With the work going faster, and being divided up, it made it easier to develop a better understanding of what we were studying. I believe that the simulation was Just fine, but I feel that we should have had more time to debate about the topics, and maybe a little more time to get things prepared and ready for the trial. BY erne indeed innocent of this accusation. This Mongol warrior brought forth the fact that caked up by the Historian Jiving (Rachel) and the research that was done by that before the Mongol Warrior was called up), what the definition of being civilized was, many of the prosecuting witnesses did not involve warfare into their definition of attorneys tried to ask him questions that were related to warfare, instead of being related to the main question, â€Å"is Mr.. Khan civilized? â€Å", we then brought them to a dead end, with us (the defensive attorneys) putting objections towards their questions, How to cite Trail of ghenus khan, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Barney Is The Hitler Of My Generation free essay sample

Essay, Research Paper Barney is The Hitler of My Generation 1992 marked a dark twelvemonth in our state # 8217 ; s telecasting history. That was the twelvemonth a little production company brought to life an over-sized, tittering clown on the Public Broadcasting System ( PBS ) . Barney A ; Friends was born. Oh, if merely we had known better. Barney rode the crest of a dinosaur moving ridge that swept the state in the early 1990 # 8217 ; s. Since so, research workers have proven Barney to be the spawn of Satan, and even educational leaders ponder the cogency of his Nazi-like instructions. Barney A ; Friends is a show that PBS should decidedly take from its telecasting line-up. Following the movie Jurassic Park and Television shows such as Dinosaurs, Sheryl Leach, a Texas school instructor frustrated by the deficiency of # 8220 ; quality interactive and educational amusement, # 8221 ; created a fat purple dinosaur named Barney, and a firedrake buddy named Baby Bop for her two old ages old boy ( Tolentino 2 ) . We will write a custom essay sample on Barney Is The Hitler Of My Generation or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Therefore, the Barney phenomenon was born. Conceived as a show that would assist small kids celebrate childhood and understand the complex concern of turning up in a universe where 6th graders carry guns to school, Barney A ; Friends has achieved a cult-like followers among yearlings who swear upon their female parent # 8217 ; s Gravess that he is God himself. Barney has become a selling win-fall. With an international fan nine of more than six 100 thousand and picture gross revenues that outnumber transcripts of Cannonball Run and Playboy # 8217 ; s Lingerie Video combined, Barney is easy taking over the universe. Barney has brainwashed the universe # 8217 ; s kids into thought he is a God, when truly he is the spawn of Satan himself. Recently, a pupil at Duke University published a theorem about Barney being the spawn of Satan: Given that Barney is a Cunning PURPLE DINOSAUR, Barney can be shown to be Satan. The Romans had no missive? U # 8217 ; , and used? V # 8217 ; alternatively for printing, intending the Roman representation for Barney would be CVTE PVRPLE DINOSAVR. Extracting the Roman numbers, we have: C, V, V, L, D, I, and V. Their denary equivalents are 100, 5, 5, 50, 500, 1, 5. Adding those Numberss produces 666. 666 is the figure of the Beast. Barney is Satan. ( # 8221 ; More # 8221 ; 1 ) Another illustration comes from the Bible: # 8220 ; And the animal which I saw was like unto a leopard, his pess were the pess of a bear, and his oral cavity as the oral cavity of a king of beasts: and the firedrake gave him power, and his place great authorization # 8221 ; ( Revelation 13:2 ) . Based on my reading, that passage says that Barney has musca volitanss, non unlike a leopard, his pess are big and wide, merely like a bear, and his oral cavity is big and stick outing making mindless noise, like a king of beasts ( # 8221 ; Biblical # 8221 ; 1 ) . As we know Baby Bop, his buddy, does take on the signifier of a firedrake, and yearlings will shout and shout, coercing their parents to go many stat mis merely to watch his purple stateliness sing at any given shopping promenade. Barney is now coming under examination from research workers inquiring whether the overstuffed violet threat makes the class as a instructor. A survey by Yale University suggests that # 8220 ; The show contains many positive educational elements that aid immature kids fixing for school # 8221 ; ( Walsh 1 ) . Barney teaches thoughts such as sharing, regard for different civilizations, and rinsing your custodies after you go potty. However, other perceivers argue that the show suffers from unfocussed educational ends. Gerald S. Lesser, a professor of instruction and developmental psychological science at Harvard University, said, # 8220 ; I # 8217 ; m non certain what the strong attractive force is, because it does non do much usage of the telecasting medium. If there is an organized course of study, I haven # 8217 ; t figured it out # 8221 ; ( Walsh 2 ) . Some more grounds that Barney hurts, instead than assist, kids are as follows: Barney presents a candy-coated, unrealistically nice position of the universe. Barney does non advance single idea. Rather, you are condemned for traveling against the wants of the bulk. ( Just like a certain German leader one time did. ) Barney replaces parental figures with himself in the? I luv you # 8217 ; vocal. Barney emotionally cripples kids by coercing them to quash negative emotions. Human existences have to be able to show all of their emotions to be functional in today # 8217 ; s society. Barney tells kids # 8220 ; A alien is a friend you # 8217 ; ve neer met # 8221 ; when the rates of snatch and molestation are lifting. Barney encourages kids to put boxes, and other objects ( such as bags ) , over their caputs, despite child mortality rates from asphyxiation. ( # 8221 ; Hate # 8221 ; 3 ) Barney is turning our kids into pantywaists, raising them with a false sense of security and cosmopolitan harmoniousness that bears small resemblance to world. What is traveling to go on when those kids grow up and happen out what it is like in the existent universe? Will Barney be around to pay for all those psychiatric measures? I would venture to state non. We see rather clearly that the show Barney A ; Friends is damaging to today # 8217 ; s kids. Parents should utilize the telecasting more as a tool, and less as a baby-sitter. Barney A ; Friendsclaims to be educational when the manufacturers admit it is escape for a kid. It Teachs kids to quash their emotions and conform to his will. Barney has formed his ain hosts of yearlings and is be aftering on domination of the Earth. It is clip that we must unify against a force that is covering our planet like a dark cloud. Barney is immorality, and if you see him make non do oculus contact, or listen to his vocals. For if you do, you excessively will go one of his minions. He must be stopped, non merely for the corporate saneness, but besides for the kids. Laugh if you must, but when your encephalon turns to sponge, Don # 8217 ; t come weeping to me. You have been forewarned. Plants Cited # 8220 ; Biblical Proof Barney is Satan # 8221 ; Online. Internet. March 1, 1994 Available hypertext transfer protocol: //www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/3194/biblel.html Accessed 21 Oct, 1997 # 8220 ; Hate Barney # 8221 ; ABL # 8217 ; s Barney Must Die Newsletter. Online. Internet Available hypertext transfer protocol: //www.visi.com/~nathan/humor/general/hate.barney.html Accessed 21 Oct, 1997 # 8220 ; Mor grounds to detest Barney # 8221 ; Online. Internet Available hypertext transfer protocol: //www.duke.edu/~jlg1/humor/general/barney2.html Accessed 22 Oct, 1997 Tolentino, Nichole # 8220 ; Jostle it up Jurassic # 8221 ; Online. Internet. July 1995 Available hypertext transfer protocol: //www.bunnyhop.com/WA4/barney.html Accessed 22 Oct, 1997 Walsh, Mark # 8220 ; Experts Ponder Academic Value of? Barney # 8217 ; # 8221 ; Education Week Online. Internet September 22, 1993 Available hypertext transfer protocol: //www.edweek.org/htbin/fastweb # 8230 ; 26OR % 26 % 28barney % 26and % 26friends % 29 Accessed 22 Oct, 1997