Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Annotated Bibliography On The Implications Of Psychopathic...

Annotated Bibliography and Outline Lilienfeld, S. O., Waldman, I. D., Landfield, K., Watts, A. I., Rubenzer, S., Faschingbauel, T. R. (2012). Fearless dominance and the U.S. presidency: Implications of psychopathic Personality traits for successful and unsuccessful political leadership. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 103(3), 489-505. Lilienfeld et al., (2010) examined the attentiveness of psychopathic personality traits that aligned with job performance and leadership of the past presidents including George W. Bush, whereas their successful or unsuccessful behaviors were a matter of public records. The description of a psychopathic personality is conveyed as superficial charm along with other descriptions such as egocentricity, dishonesty, guiltlessness, callousness, and risk taking, which are based personality traits (Lilienfeld et al., 2010). According to Lilienfeld et al., (2012) there were about 8 listed limitations with fruitful directions for further research; however, the study and the findings didn’t address the questions between boldness and political performance. In the results, it was raised that boldness often associated with psychopathy advantages within a host of occupations and social roles. Clearly it’s warranted further investigation of the implications of boldness for leadership is needed. Odom, S. F., Body, B. L., Williams, J. (2012). Impact of Personal Growth Projects on Leadership Identity Development. Journal of LeadershipShow MoreRelatedEssay on Annotated Bibliography: Leadership1362 Words   |  6 Pagesï » ¿ Annotated Bibliography Yolanda Bowie Grand Canyon University Annotated Bibliography Lilienfeld, S. O., Waldman, I. D., Landfield, K., Watts, A. L., Rubenzer, S., Faschingbauer, T. R. (2012). Fearless dominance and the U.S. presidency: Implications of psychopathic personality traits for successful and unsuccessful political leadership.  Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,  103(3), 489 -505. http://library.gcu.edu:2048/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com.libraryRead MoreRes 811 Synthesis Paper1363 Words   |  6 Pagesinformation to ensure successful completion of the assignment: †¢ Refer to the annotated bibliography and outline you created in the Module 5 assignment along with the assignment feedback from your instructor. †¢ Review: Lilienfeld, S. O., Waldman, I. D., Landfield, K., Watts, A. L., Rubenzer, S., Faschingbauer, T. R. (2012). Fearless dominance and the U.S. presidency: Implications of psychopathic personality traits for successful and unsuccessful political leadership.Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

Monday, December 16, 2019

Trail of ghenus khan Free Essays

Mr.. Genesis Khan not being civilized, I believe that the Mongol Warrior (Adam) helped bring out the fact that Mr. We will write a custom essay sample on Trail of ghenus khan or any similar topic only for you Order Now . Khan was Indeed innocent of this accusation. This Mongol warrior brought forth the fact that they did indeed give the civilizations a chance to surrender to the Mongols. The Mongol warrior also acknowledged the laws that Mr.. Khan had made, (This was backed up by the Historian Javelin (Rachel) and the research that was done by that errors). He also brought forth the fact that, many people thought that there warfare, was part of being civilized, but when we asked the prosecuting witnesses, (the ones before the Mongol Warrior was called up), what the deflation of being Cleveland was, many of the prosecuting witnesses did not Involve warfare Into their definition of being civilized. The Mongol warrior also helped us when the other prosecuting attorneys tried to ask him questions that were related to warfare, Instead of being elated to the main question, â€Å"Is Mr.. Khan cellared, we then brought them to a dead end, with us (the defensive attorney’s) putting objections towards their questions, because their question’s had nothing to do with the main topic of the trial. The prosecuting side then ran out of questions to ask, due to irrelevance of the questions that they were asking. On the opposing side, the Mustangs, caliph of Baghdad (Harrison) presented the most convincing evidence, to go against Mr.. Genesis khan. This witness was a victim f the torment, this man was, I believe, rolled up in a carpet drug around beaten and trampled until dead. This man also had answers for most of our questions, and was ready for almost anything. In this simulation, I liked that we all worked together as a group, and we each had an important part in the trial. When we work as a group, the work seemed to go faster. For instance, my partner and I were both defensive attorneys, and when it came to looking for questions to ask our witnesses, we were both able to come up tit many different kinds, and when we were up there asking the questions we both took turns asking them and retrieving the answers. With the work going faster, and being divided up, it made it easier to develop a better understanding of what we were studying. I believe that the simulation was Just fine, but I feel that we should have had more time to debate about the topics, and maybe a little more time to get things prepared and ready for the trial. BY erne indeed innocent of this accusation. This Mongol warrior brought forth the fact that caked up by the Historian Jiving (Rachel) and the research that was done by that before the Mongol Warrior was called up), what the definition of being civilized was, many of the prosecuting witnesses did not involve warfare into their definition of attorneys tried to ask him questions that were related to warfare, instead of being related to the main question, â€Å"is Mr.. Khan civilized? â€Å", we then brought them to a dead end, with us (the defensive attorneys) putting objections towards their questions, How to cite Trail of ghenus khan, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Barney Is The Hitler Of My Generation free essay sample

Essay, Research Paper Barney is The Hitler of My Generation 1992 marked a dark twelvemonth in our state # 8217 ; s telecasting history. That was the twelvemonth a little production company brought to life an over-sized, tittering clown on the Public Broadcasting System ( PBS ) . Barney A ; Friends was born. Oh, if merely we had known better. Barney rode the crest of a dinosaur moving ridge that swept the state in the early 1990 # 8217 ; s. Since so, research workers have proven Barney to be the spawn of Satan, and even educational leaders ponder the cogency of his Nazi-like instructions. Barney A ; Friends is a show that PBS should decidedly take from its telecasting line-up. Following the movie Jurassic Park and Television shows such as Dinosaurs, Sheryl Leach, a Texas school instructor frustrated by the deficiency of # 8220 ; quality interactive and educational amusement, # 8221 ; created a fat purple dinosaur named Barney, and a firedrake buddy named Baby Bop for her two old ages old boy ( Tolentino 2 ) . We will write a custom essay sample on Barney Is The Hitler Of My Generation or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Therefore, the Barney phenomenon was born. Conceived as a show that would assist small kids celebrate childhood and understand the complex concern of turning up in a universe where 6th graders carry guns to school, Barney A ; Friends has achieved a cult-like followers among yearlings who swear upon their female parent # 8217 ; s Gravess that he is God himself. Barney has become a selling win-fall. With an international fan nine of more than six 100 thousand and picture gross revenues that outnumber transcripts of Cannonball Run and Playboy # 8217 ; s Lingerie Video combined, Barney is easy taking over the universe. Barney has brainwashed the universe # 8217 ; s kids into thought he is a God, when truly he is the spawn of Satan himself. Recently, a pupil at Duke University published a theorem about Barney being the spawn of Satan: Given that Barney is a Cunning PURPLE DINOSAUR, Barney can be shown to be Satan. The Romans had no missive? U # 8217 ; , and used? V # 8217 ; alternatively for printing, intending the Roman representation for Barney would be CVTE PVRPLE DINOSAVR. Extracting the Roman numbers, we have: C, V, V, L, D, I, and V. Their denary equivalents are 100, 5, 5, 50, 500, 1, 5. Adding those Numberss produces 666. 666 is the figure of the Beast. Barney is Satan. ( # 8221 ; More # 8221 ; 1 ) Another illustration comes from the Bible: # 8220 ; And the animal which I saw was like unto a leopard, his pess were the pess of a bear, and his oral cavity as the oral cavity of a king of beasts: and the firedrake gave him power, and his place great authorization # 8221 ; ( Revelation 13:2 ) . Based on my reading, that passage says that Barney has musca volitanss, non unlike a leopard, his pess are big and wide, merely like a bear, and his oral cavity is big and stick outing making mindless noise, like a king of beasts ( # 8221 ; Biblical # 8221 ; 1 ) . As we know Baby Bop, his buddy, does take on the signifier of a firedrake, and yearlings will shout and shout, coercing their parents to go many stat mis merely to watch his purple stateliness sing at any given shopping promenade. Barney is now coming under examination from research workers inquiring whether the overstuffed violet threat makes the class as a instructor. A survey by Yale University suggests that # 8220 ; The show contains many positive educational elements that aid immature kids fixing for school # 8221 ; ( Walsh 1 ) . Barney teaches thoughts such as sharing, regard for different civilizations, and rinsing your custodies after you go potty. However, other perceivers argue that the show suffers from unfocussed educational ends. Gerald S. Lesser, a professor of instruction and developmental psychological science at Harvard University, said, # 8220 ; I # 8217 ; m non certain what the strong attractive force is, because it does non do much usage of the telecasting medium. If there is an organized course of study, I haven # 8217 ; t figured it out # 8221 ; ( Walsh 2 ) . Some more grounds that Barney hurts, instead than assist, kids are as follows: Barney presents a candy-coated, unrealistically nice position of the universe. Barney does non advance single idea. Rather, you are condemned for traveling against the wants of the bulk. ( Just like a certain German leader one time did. ) Barney replaces parental figures with himself in the? I luv you # 8217 ; vocal. Barney emotionally cripples kids by coercing them to quash negative emotions. Human existences have to be able to show all of their emotions to be functional in today # 8217 ; s society. Barney tells kids # 8220 ; A alien is a friend you # 8217 ; ve neer met # 8221 ; when the rates of snatch and molestation are lifting. Barney encourages kids to put boxes, and other objects ( such as bags ) , over their caputs, despite child mortality rates from asphyxiation. ( # 8221 ; Hate # 8221 ; 3 ) Barney is turning our kids into pantywaists, raising them with a false sense of security and cosmopolitan harmoniousness that bears small resemblance to world. What is traveling to go on when those kids grow up and happen out what it is like in the existent universe? Will Barney be around to pay for all those psychiatric measures? I would venture to state non. We see rather clearly that the show Barney A ; Friends is damaging to today # 8217 ; s kids. Parents should utilize the telecasting more as a tool, and less as a baby-sitter. Barney A ; Friendsclaims to be educational when the manufacturers admit it is escape for a kid. It Teachs kids to quash their emotions and conform to his will. Barney has formed his ain hosts of yearlings and is be aftering on domination of the Earth. It is clip that we must unify against a force that is covering our planet like a dark cloud. Barney is immorality, and if you see him make non do oculus contact, or listen to his vocals. For if you do, you excessively will go one of his minions. He must be stopped, non merely for the corporate saneness, but besides for the kids. Laugh if you must, but when your encephalon turns to sponge, Don # 8217 ; t come weeping to me. You have been forewarned. Plants Cited # 8220 ; Biblical Proof Barney is Satan # 8221 ; Online. Internet. March 1, 1994 Available hypertext transfer protocol: //www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/3194/biblel.html Accessed 21 Oct, 1997 # 8220 ; Hate Barney # 8221 ; ABL # 8217 ; s Barney Must Die Newsletter. Online. Internet Available hypertext transfer protocol: //www.visi.com/~nathan/humor/general/hate.barney.html Accessed 21 Oct, 1997 # 8220 ; Mor grounds to detest Barney # 8221 ; Online. Internet Available hypertext transfer protocol: //www.duke.edu/~jlg1/humor/general/barney2.html Accessed 22 Oct, 1997 Tolentino, Nichole # 8220 ; Jostle it up Jurassic # 8221 ; Online. Internet. July 1995 Available hypertext transfer protocol: //www.bunnyhop.com/WA4/barney.html Accessed 22 Oct, 1997 Walsh, Mark # 8220 ; Experts Ponder Academic Value of? Barney # 8217 ; # 8221 ; Education Week Online. Internet September 22, 1993 Available hypertext transfer protocol: //www.edweek.org/htbin/fastweb # 8230 ; 26OR % 26 % 28barney % 26and % 26friends % 29 Accessed 22 Oct, 1997

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Role of Personal Selling in B2B Marketing Essay Example

Role of Personal Selling in B2B Marketing Essay Industrial Selling Environment3 Exogenous Variables:3 Endogenous variables:3 FOUNDATIONS OF PERSONAL SELLING: AN ORGANIZATION CUSTOMER FOCUS:5 Promotion and role of personal selling:7 Personal selling: the conceptual framework:9 Stages of the selling process9 Personal selling and Competition:12 Scene 1: NEW FIRM, NEW PRODUCT LINE/MIX13 Scene 2: NEW UNKNOWN FIRM AND OLD, ESTABLISHED PRODUCT CONCEPT14 Scene 3: OLD FIRM, NEW PRODUCT-SERVICE14 Scene 4: OLD FIRM, OLD PRODUCT/SERVICE14 SALES PLANNING:14 Sales force organization15 Variable one: assignment of sales personal:15 Variable two: Type of selling and relevant sales person profiles:17 Variable three: time and territory management17 Variable four: sales training needs18 Variable five: Effective time management of all field sales personnel18 Variable six: optimization of selling efforts in a branch level operation18 Variable seven: Compensation package19 SALES CONTROL19 CHARACTERSTICS OF THE FOUR SALES CATEGORIES20 A model for Industrial Sales Force Management :21 CONCLUSION24 BIBILIOGRAPHY24 ? INTRODUCTION The quality of personal selling is the most important variable in all types of complex industrial marketing. This is very important influencing factor for convincing identified decision making unit members, whose perceived risk in vendor and model selection is the highest for capital plant and equipment, a little lesser for fabricated industrial products and services, and the least for standard industrial products and services, that s standard routine purchase. Personal selling is mainly important for coordinating with external distributors and retailers. We will write a custom essay sample on Role of Personal Selling in B2B Marketing specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Role of Personal Selling in B2B Marketing specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Role of Personal Selling in B2B Marketing specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Internal coordination is needed to ensure timely deliveries through the following distribution strategies: †¢Direct distribution to institutional buyers †¢Indirect distribution through channel members to end buyers who may be buying in smaller lots and more frequently. Industrial Selling Environment Industrial sales management focuses on the Ansoff’s product-market mix only for industrial products and services. The following endogenous and exogenous variables need to be considered for effective sales management. Exogenous Variables: Present customers, semi-developed prospects and dealers †¢Known decision making unit members and firm-specific buying practices, based on the culture of the buying organizations that is either decentralized, mixed decentralized and has centralized decision making authority-responsibility pattern. Endogenous variables: †¢Determination of the selling strategy that is which target segments to cater to and which segments to avoid, a long with the decision base. This will depend on the vendor’s current strength and weakness. †¢The selling mix that is 6 Ps. Situational factors tend to be product-market specific †¢Government rules and regulations The need for quality trained sales professionals for three different risk situations with the following product-service groups: Types of purchase decisionsEffect of quality sales presentations by trained marketers Capital Industrial Group (CIG) †¢Very high risk †¢Very time consuming for the DMU of the buying firms †¢Very frequent purchases †¢Top quality, fully trained sales, service professionals need to be deeply involved with all DMU members in targeted buyer firms. Exhibitions, demonstrations, practical problem solving issues. †¢Referrals from satisfied customers play an important role for new vendor selection. Fabricated Industrial Group (FIG) †¢High risk †¢Time consuming for the DMU †¢Infrequent purchases †¢Complex in s far as technical, technological issues are concernedHigher the risk factor, greater th e need for quality problem solvers to: †¢Provide relevant information to DMU members time and again †¢Greater need for conviction and persuasion †¢Greater the role of physical demonstrations and referrals. Standard Industrial Group (SIG) †¢Low risk †¢More frequent purchases †¢Usually large number of well established vendors †¢Low time pressure on buyers for purchase decision making †¢Price and strict adherence to usually well defined quality standards, timely deliveries are the major criteria for split decision making on several vendors. †¢Relationship building also influences decision making over a long period of business contracts †¢Other promotional tools like sales promotion play an important part. Price negotiations are relatively more important as well as credit terms. FOUNDATIONS OF PERSONAL SELLING: AN ORGANIZATION CUSTOMER FOCUS: Business marketing strategy is executed through personal selling. Once the marketer defines target market segments based on organizational characteristics (macro level) or the characteristics of decision making units (micro level), the sales force is deployed to meet the needs of these segments. The salesperson augme nts the total product offering and serves as a representative for both buyer and seller. The image, reputation, and the seller’s ability to satisfy needs are conveyed, to an important degree, by the sales force. By helping procurement decision makers to define requirements and match the firm’s product and service to them, the sales person is offering not just a physical product but also ideas, recommendations, technical assistance, experience, confidence, and friendship. A large toy manufacturer, for example, evaluates suppliers based in product quality, delivery reliability, price, and the value of ideas and suggestion salespeople provide. This buying organization, in fact, openly solicits ideas and evaluates suppliers formally on the number and quality of these recommendations. As a representative for the buyer, the salesperson often articulates a customer specific need to RD for production personnel in the industrial firm. Product’s specification, delivery, and technical service are often negotiated through the salesperson. The salesperson serves to absorb uncertainty, reducing conflict in the buyer-seller relationship. John Knopp, a regional sales manager at Hewlett-Packard, identifies this trait in high performing sales persons; â€Å"they know how to get special things done for the customer inside or outside the system. When something has to be done outside of normal policies and practices, they find a way to get it done smoothly. Relationship Marketing: The trend toward close relationships, or even strategic partnerships, between manufacturers and their suppliers is accelerating in many business market sectors. Several forces responsible for buyer seller relationships helps in rising global competition, the quest for improved quality, rapidly changing technology and the spread of just-in-time operations. Selling Center: The selling organization members who initiate and maintain exchange relationships with industrial customers constitute the organizational selling center. The needs of a particular selling situation, especially information requirements, significantly influence the selling center’s composition. Its primary objectives are to acquire and process pertinent marketing-related information and execute selling strategies. In many industries, teamwork has emerged as a necessary prerequisite for sales success-often requiring a structured, formal selling team approach rather than the loose coalition of individuals in the selling center. Some firms such as Xerox, Hewlett-Packard and DuPont have adopted formal account management teams. The organizational buying center includes individuals who participate in the purchasing decision and who share the goals and risks of that decision. The needs of a particular buying situation dictate the composition of the buying center. Assuming visible roles in this exchange process are the sales person (selling-center representative) and the purchasing agent (buying-enter representative). The salesperson and the buyer each begin the interaction with particular plans, goals and intentions. The salesperson provides information and assistance in solving a purchasing problem in exchange for the reward of a sale. Selling Firm Buying Firm Information PProblem Solving Negotiation Friendship, Trust Product/Services Payment Reciprocity In addition to external negotiations with the buying center, the industrial salesperson, acting on behalf of the potential customer, often carries on internal negotiations with other members of the selling center, such as manufacturing or RD, to ensure a successful exchange relationship. Internal negotiations also occur within the buying center because various members represent the interests of their functional areas in selecting suppliers. Complex flows of influence characterize buyer-seller interactions in the business market. To ensure that customers are as satisfied as possible, business marketers must effectively manage the complex web of influences that intersect in buyer-seller relationships. Relationship Quality: By occupying a position close to the customer and drawing on the organization’s collective strength, the industrial salesperson is often best suited to perform the role of relationship manager. For many complex purchase decisions, organizational buyers face considerable uncertainty. From the customer’s perspective, a salesperson who can reduce this uncertainty improves the quality of the relationship. Relationship quality comprises at least two dimensions: †¢Trust in the sales person †¢Satisfaction with the salesperson In the face of the frequent uncertainty of complex industrial exchange settings, relationship quality contributes to a lasting bond by offering assurance that the sales person will continue to meet the customer’s expectations and not knowingly distort information or otherwise damage the customer’s interests. The continuity of interaction that relationship quality provides then creates ongoing opportunities for the seller to identify the customer’s unmet needs and propose new business. Promotion and role of personal selling: Personal selling is a crucial promotional tool, especially for industrial products and services. The AIDA concept stresses that the perspective buyers and users have to be made aware of the firm’s name and its products and services. Once first level awareness has been created, then results in a positive interest which in turn may lead to probable internal evaluation by the prospective buyers and users, who starts comparing this new offer with those from other established suppliers on technical, commercial and managerial grounds, after sales service etc. For consumer products and services, be these perishable, non-durable or durable items, the following characteristics are usually dominant: ? Large number of buyers and sellers ?Large number of competitors ?Wide geographical dispersions of buyers-users ?A strong influence of emotive factors, and not just rational factors on the buyers-users needs and wants Relatively, a lower sales value and volume, as compared to an equivalent unit of, say, expensive fabricated item-unit wise. In industrial buyer firms, usually the number and types of persons in the ecision making unit are usually much larger, which includes †¢The initiators can be from RD, quality, control, inspection. †¢The influencers can be from export, corporate planning, finance and marketing †¢The deciders are usually senior management personnel †¢The buyers are the internal coordinators from material management †¢The actual users are technical persons Information handling habits: ?Newspapers or insert ions in specialized journals ?Direct mail ?Tele-marketing ?Seminars and conferences ?Exhibitions ?On-the-job convincing programmes ?Use of sales and service professionals Compatible mix of the above The equal potential approach: At first the total present demand can be estimated from ?The number, types and levels of buyers-users ?Their past and present actual purchases, and growth rates ? The industrial buying methods, that id industrial buying process ? Broad geographical dispersions of buyers-users ?Their purchase frequencies and ?The expectations from the suppliers Personal selling: the conceptual framework: Personal selling is one of the most important promotion tools for industrial products and services. In a proactive vendor management the relative roles of promotools will tilt heavily in favor of quality personal selling, especially for fabricated item makers and manufacturers of capital and plant equipment. The promotional budget of the vendors for fabricated items and capital plant equipment, therefore should give †¢Minimum emphasis on publicity †¢Some emphasis on advertising †¢More emphasis on sales promotion and †¢Maximum budget for personal selling Stages of the selling process The stages of the selling process includes the 1. Prospecting and lead generation: †¢Identify a buyer-user (customer), and Maintain the customers Prospective buyer-user identification, with reference to industrial products and services, need to be application oriented. The vendor firms’ personnel have to pre-specify which firms need what types of intermediate components to make their own products and services. This listing is the first step, which leads to DMU identificat ion, assessment of the buying firms’ culture, and also of the quantities needed at a point of time. Simultaneously, competitors and their strengths and weakness need to be assessed. A vendors’ sales objective can then be planned for. 2. Handling any type of objection: First level prospectus and their relevant DMU will need information on the new vendor and the latter’s capability to solve the buyers’ problems, be it technical, commercial, or service related. The vendor firm will also have to provide information regarding the suppliers’ image, credibility, research base, and international affiliation etc. All the information provided in time to all prospective buyers to ensure that the latter parties are aware of the vendors’ services. 3. Quality sales presentations: Face-to-face interactions are essential between the buyers’ decision makers and the suppliers’ sales and service personal. The greater the technical and technological complexity and the price of the industrial product or service, the greater is the need for relatively unknown vendors to send out their best trained sales and service personal to negotiate, persuade and convince the DMU to consider them as source of the best bargain, as compared to prevailing competitive offers. Usually frequent across the interactions are required, in order to determine all aspects of the 6Ps- primarily, aspects such as †¢Product and service specifications and quantity to be delivered at a point of time which are fixed aspects †¢Price and commercial terms and Types of after sales service needed etc. 4. Sales closing: Besides functional and financial aspects, the psychological aspect of timely sales closing is also a basic trait to be learnt and developed by the vendor’s negotiating person or team. The trained negotiator also has to understand when to call it a day and ask for the buyers’ decision- i n other words, right timing is important. A little push from the proactive, aggressive professional helps the DMU, which may be in a state of confusion, to make up its minds. 5. Follow-up, feedback and replanning: This phase is often neglected, if not totally forgotten, by many professional vendors, who need to know, also in their own interest, how their product-service package is helping customers in their production and market-planning operations. These interactions help the vendors know where they stand and what more they need to do to develop a long-term business relationship with targeted buyer-user segments. This critical phase must be built into the vendor’s total selling process as a much-needed tailender, which, in reality, is a never-ending cycle. Hence, selection, recruitment, and planned training have to be carefully organized for professional marketers, whose profiles also need to be job specific. For example, for standard industrial products and services, a good planner and coordinator should have a flair for communication for maintaining external communication, meeting customers and building relationships with local distributors who are expected to service a large number of small type buyer users. For fabricated products as well as capital plant and equipment, however, more of technical specialization and servicing will be needed. The concept of integrated management system will be more relevant since each large party will demand tailored attention, from the designing of the equipment onwards. Here, the entire organization needs to be marketing oriented. For synergy and coordination within the organization, polished and sophisticated technical problem solvers are needed. They are also expected to be consultants to the major buyer-users. This type of work requires top-grade technical-cum-commercial professionals. To sum up, flexible, decentralized vendor level management need to be planners as well as doers. The principle of segmenting, targeting an positioning will be useful, when used on the basis of reliable market-based knowledge of all targeted prospects, competitors, and where needed, information on indirect distribution channel members. For specialized industrial products and services, specialized and fully-trained techno-commercial marketers will have to be selected, recruited, trained and then put on the job. Personal selling and Competition: The role of personal selling and its nature of contribution are influenced by a few exogenous factors, which includes Type of competition: ?Pure competition Monopolistic competition ?Oligopolistic competition ?No direct competitors, especially, for new products and services ? The state of monopolies The stage of the product life cycle (PLC): ?Introduction stage ?Growth stage ?Stage of maturity ?Stage of decline Some endogenous factors, from the vendor’s management’s point of view, are as follows: ? Does the vendor firm know ab out its own strengths and weakness and ? Relevant opportunities and threats ?How far should the firm reach out, say, for geographical coverage ? Are they fully aware about their competitors’ strengths and weakness Type of firmNew(unknown to the industry)Old(established product concept) New firm (unknown to the relevant industry)Scene 1 ?New firm ?New product Ex: Marubeni corporation for aluminum cansScene 2 ?New firm ?Old (similar) product and service Ex: BOC-Ohmeda Ltd for capital medical equipment Old and already established organizationScene 3: ?Old firm ?New product Ex: NCCL for IRCScene 4: ?Old firm ?Old, established product service line Ex: NALCO versus BETZ for (WTC) Scene 1: NEW FIRM, NEW PRODUCT LINE/MIX This is an extremely risky scenario, where the risks to the new vendor are the highest since both the firm and product concept are unknown. For a new firm, a new, unknown project concept can be profitably exploited only planned, systematic business developmental activities are initiated and these are professionally implemented over a fairly long period of time, for each chosen prospective user firm. The vendor firms’ own management also needs to provide the right support and work culture. The business development person has to be a problem solver and a consultant who firmly believes in utilizing the integrated, management system which ensures concurrent achievement of ? The prospect’s expectations and The venture firms’ own, usually long-term aims for an untried concept Scene 2: NEW UNKNOWN FIRM AND OLD, ESTABLISHED PRODUCT CONCEPT This is a situation which arises when a new, relatively unknown firm enters the market with a known product-service concept. Oligopolistic competition can be prevalent in such a situation. Scene 3: OLD FIRM, NEW PRODUCT-SERVICE In third scenario, a known vendor firm such a s M/s Nicco Cables Corporation India Ltd, which had been operating in India for a long time, introduces a totally unknown technology, in this case, that of irradiated cables. The cable industry has a large number of competitive firms which are operating in India. Scene 4: OLD FIRM, OLD PRODUCT/SERVICE Finally, a very safe scenario has been depicted- that of an old, known firm, say, M/s Nalco chemicals India Ltd, which had been operating in India since 1984 with established fabricated industrial products and services. SALES PLANNING: This is a very important phase for any sales management function. It sets the directions and the target for the entire organization. For a new industrial product or service, or even for an established product-service mix, sales’ planning envisages the following: ? Listing of the relevant universe ?Targeting: whom to service ?The process of positioning Especially for industrial products or services, a three phase-planning can be organized: ? Top-down planning, where the firms’ top management lays down its overall objectives, which should base on SWOT analysis. ?Grassroot planning, which will involve all sales service personnel ? Mixed planning process, where internally, usually once a year all the functional heads sit across the table and work out a common, feasible and achievable ? Budget ?Target ?Back-up support Sales force organization Variable one: assignment of sales personal: The assignment of sales personal to customers/territories can be for one of the following types of selling: Consultative selling: The need for knowledge-based and highly specialized expertise and experience demands that an user class or specific accounts, spread over a large geographical terrain, be assigned to a specific group of relevant consultants. For example, an industrial marketing research specialist may not be very comfortable with solving problems for firms which deal with consumers products and services. Variable-1Assignment of sales personal versus the type of selling ? Consultative ?Technical ?Commercial ?Direct Variable-2Type of selling and relevance of sales person’s profile Variable-3Time and territory management Variable-4Sales training needs for developing relevant manpower, who need to be selected for the first the right sales types for the right prospect and customer class need to be chosen and deployed Variable-5Effective time management of all field sales personnel: ? travelling time ?waiting time ?actual contract time for personnel selling ?relevant administrative functions Variable-6Optimization of selling efforts in a branch-level operation Variable-7Compensation package: ?industry-level parity ?monetary compensation direct incentives, both formal and informal Technical selling: For similar types of assignments, technical personnel may be desirable, especially for items with a high degree of technical component and knowledge requirement. Here the allocation of personnel may even be customer and or product specific. However, for products with common or similar technology in put requirements, for example, nuts and bolts, pumps and motors, transformers etc. even geographical coverage can be thought of. Technically knowledgeable fully trained and motivated sales persons have to be put on the job with clearly defined terms regarding ? he geographical or key account based responsibilities and targets ? allowable budgets for travelling, boarding, lodging, and related expenses ? their authority-responsibility relationship with peers and seniors ? the firms basic salary and incentives for actual target fulfillment ? on-the-job holding, problem solving and guidance by more experienced seniors and ? a healthy internal work climate, which should encourage team work and a synergistic approach to take care of the usually high level of market-based rejections of new yet to be established products and services. Commercial selling and direct selling: Both these types of selling need a low level of technical expertise. Hence depending on the area’s size and market needs, geographical assignment of sales people can e thought of. For multi-product marketing companies, however a mix of the above may be called for. From the same firm, a tea marketing division and another division marketing torches and batteries may necessitate different sales teams from the same location, since the customers and their needs are totally different, as also the distribution and promotional basis for awareness and interest generation. Variable two: Type of selling and relevant sales person profiles: There are two types of selling activities that helps the sales personnel of an organization, may have to engage in: ? maintenance selling ?developmental selling In the field of maintenance selling, sales persons primarily have to build long-term relationships with customers, prospects, and dealers or retailers for existing and known product/service categories. Regular planned follow-ups, on-the spot problem solving. Maintenance selling needs long-term relation builders with emphasis on short-term, pre-defined objectives. Variable three: time and territory management ?Assess a given market’s demand and potential, as also the number and geographical spread of the following segments: ? Major customers/prospects ?Medium-level parties ?Small parties ?Virgin prospects ?Dealers ?Internally, work out the past and present sales pattern, over a time period, of the existing buyers and users ? Estimate the business prospects for developmental parties. Simultaneously, the needed sales effort also has to be assessed, qualitatively to start with ? Assign the available manpower to the above buyer-user classes. This has to be worked out with the following factors in mind: ? The need to reach short term business aims, area-wise ?Future developmental planning ?The total cost budget to reach the above separately ?For a predefined period, assess the actual results versus plans and total time and cost investment ? If needed, re-design the selling strategy. Variable four: sales training needs The right type of sales persons need to be chosen for each type of sales, and they have to be effectively trained for the development of the relevant manpower. Comprehensive training is needed from time-to-time. Variable five: Effective time management of all field sales personnel The functional level of sales personnel and the product type will influence the allocation of a sales person’s effective time and its availability. The three major factors affect the time management includes: ? Actual field selling time, during which the sales persons interact with buyers-users. ?Administrative responsibilities, which vary depending on the sales person’s level of functioning. This includes aspects such as †¢Sales forecasting †¢Planning and control †¢Budgeting †¢Training and motivation of people working with them Inter-phase involvement with other departments within the firm and †¢Public relations ?A formal reporting system, within the company and for planned external communication, both written and verbal. Variable six: optimization of selling efforts in a branch level operation The sales manager needs to organize adequate back-up support. The aim is to free t he field sales personnel as much as possible, to enable optimum actual sales contacts with buyers, users and dealers from whom revenue can be generated. The sales managers, therefore need to build up the team spirit. The sales managers, especially at the branch operating levels, have a major role to play in organizing, motivating, staffing, training and controlling. Maintain the market leadership, and at the time, keep the internal sales staff motivated. Variable seven: Compensation package Based on different types of sales, the compensation packages differ: Consultative sales these are characterized by the product or service that is sold at the higher levels of an organization. Consultative type firms normally assign their sales persons specific accounts rather than geographical sales territories. Technical sales the distinctive haracteristic of technical sales is the product knowledge required by its sales persons. Although the sales process may take les time as compared to that of consultative sales, technical sales persons are no strangers to the selling process. This type of selling however is nearly always based on rational buying motives. Commercial sales more sales persons are employed fo r commercial sales than for the other types. The field is composed of two types of salespersons – order takers and order getters. The method of compensation in the commercial sales field varies with the nature of the firms’ product or services. Direct sales direct sales are primarily concerned with the sale of products and services to the ultimate consumer. There is some emotional appeal associated with this type of selling, and as a result, most successful sales persons in the field possess a strong persuasive ability. Unlike the other three types of selling, there is little emphasis placed on the stability of the employment situation. SALES CONTROL This is an internal process to assess actual over a time period. This can be done in terms of the following parameters ? Regional, actual sales versus targets ?Product-service line wise assessments Sales expenses ?Competitive inroads ?Other parameters CHARACTERSTICS OF THE FOUR SALES CATEGORIES Types of salesCharacteristics of the sales categoryCharacteristics of successful sales persons Consultative? Product or service is sold at higher levels of an organization ? Purchasing decisions usually authorized by several executives ? Sales persons assigned specific accounts rather th an geographical territories ? Sales persons are required to discuss the project with several people in the client’s organization? Smooth approach ? Personality compatible with achieving a few large successes periodically ? Ability to gain the confidence to the client Technical? Purchasing decisions requires the approval of several organization members but there are typically one or two buying influences ? Selling is based on rational economic buying motives? Very strong product knowledge ? Strong interest in detail ?Rational approach in utilizing sales techniques Commercial? Sales of a non-technical nature to business and industry ? Sales are often made on the first or second call ?Many more sales of lower rupee value than in the consecutive sector? Strong self organization ? Ability to reach the decision maker in the organizations quickly ? Ability to make a smooth presentation and close the sale Direct ? Sales of products or services to the ultimate consumer ? The sale is usually closed on the first call, or not closed at all ? Emotional appeal to the buyer ?Very high personnel turnover rate? Strong ability to close sales on the first call ? Strong persuasive ability ?Ability to identify a prospects’ buying motives quickly A model for Industrial Sales Force Management : Generally Deploying the sales force is treated as a critical task in Business sales management. The objective is to form the most profitable sales territories , deploy salespersons to serve potential customers in those territories , and effectively allocate sales force time among those customers. Deployment Analysis : A strategic Approach The size of the sales force establishes the level of selling effort that the business marketer can use. The selling effort is then organized by designating sales districts and sales territories. Allocation decisions determine how the selling effort is to be assigned to customers , prospects and products. Proper deployment requires a multistage approach to find the most effective and efficient way to assign sales resources( for example, sales calls, number of salespersons, percentage of salesperson’s time) across all of the planning and control units( PCU s) the firm serves(prospects , customers, territories, districts, products). Thus, effective deployment means understanding the factors that influence sales in a particular PCU, such as a territory. DEPLOYMENT DECISIONS FACING SALES ORGANIZATION Type of DecisionSpecific Deployment Decisions Set total level of selling effort Organize selling effort Allocate selling effort Determine sales force size Design sales districts Design sales territories Allocate effort to trading areas Allocate sales calls to accounts Allocate sales calls to prospects Allocate sales call time to products Determine length of sales call Territory Sales Response : There are eight classes of variables which influences the potential level of sales in a particular territory. The list shows the complexity of estimating sales response functions. Such estimates are needed, however, to make meaningful sales allocations. SELECTED DETERMINANTS OF TERRITORY SALES RESPONSE . Environmental factors (e. x. , health of economy) 2. Competition(number of competitive salespersons) 3. Company marketing

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Free Essays on Mr.

In the epic Oedipus The King, Sophocles portrays Oedipus as a man blinded by his own fate. Oedipus is so caught up trying to find the murder of the old king, Laius, that he doesn’t see that he himself is to blame. Our own sins can blind us from the truth as did Oedipus sins blind him from the truth. Not only does Oedipus become blinded because he refuses to acknowledge the possibility of him actually being the murder of Laius, but in the end blindness overcomes Oedipus physically. In the beginning Oedipus brother-in-law, Creon, is sent to the holy oracle at Delphi to find out from the gods what they should do to cure the land from the famine that has overcome them. Creon returns to Thebes and informs Oedipus that the gods want the murderer of King Laius driven from the land (Hillegrass 24). Oedipus first sign of his blindness comes when he promises to obey the gods and to find the murder of the King. When Oedipus asks about the murder of the King, Creon goes on to tell the story of Laius’s murder. On their way to consult an oracle, Laius and all but one of his fellow travelers were killed by thieves. Oedipus asks why the Thebans made no attempt to find the murderers, and Creon reminds him that Thebes was then more concerned with the curse of the Sphinx. Hearing this, Oedipus resolves to solve the mystery of Laius’s murder (Hillegrass 25). Again we find Oedipus blinded by his own determination and his own self fulfillment. When Creon retells the story of Laius’s murder, Oedipus is shocked and dismayed that the investigation of the murder of a king was so swiftly dropped. Oedipus quickly hatches plans to deal with both his people’s suffering and Laius’s unsolved murder, and he has even anticipated the Chorus’s suggestions that he sends someone to the oracle and call forth Tiresias. Finally, Oedipus is intense in his promises of dire punishment for Laius’s murderer, even if the murderer turns out to be someone close ... Free Essays on Mr. Free Essays on Mr. In the epic Oedipus The King, Sophocles portrays Oedipus as a man blinded by his own fate. Oedipus is so caught up trying to find the murder of the old king, Laius, that he doesn’t see that he himself is to blame. Our own sins can blind us from the truth as did Oedipus sins blind him from the truth. Not only does Oedipus become blinded because he refuses to acknowledge the possibility of him actually being the murder of Laius, but in the end blindness overcomes Oedipus physically. In the beginning Oedipus brother-in-law, Creon, is sent to the holy oracle at Delphi to find out from the gods what they should do to cure the land from the famine that has overcome them. Creon returns to Thebes and informs Oedipus that the gods want the murderer of King Laius driven from the land (Hillegrass 24). Oedipus first sign of his blindness comes when he promises to obey the gods and to find the murder of the King. When Oedipus asks about the murder of the King, Creon goes on to tell the story of Laius’s murder. On their way to consult an oracle, Laius and all but one of his fellow travelers were killed by thieves. Oedipus asks why the Thebans made no attempt to find the murderers, and Creon reminds him that Thebes was then more concerned with the curse of the Sphinx. Hearing this, Oedipus resolves to solve the mystery of Laius’s murder (Hillegrass 25). Again we find Oedipus blinded by his own determination and his own self fulfillment. When Creon retells the story of Laius’s murder, Oedipus is shocked and dismayed that the investigation of the murder of a king was so swiftly dropped. Oedipus quickly hatches plans to deal with both his people’s suffering and Laius’s unsolved murder, and he has even anticipated the Chorus’s suggestions that he sends someone to the oracle and call forth Tiresias. Finally, Oedipus is intense in his promises of dire punishment for Laius’s murderer, even if the murderer turns out to be someone close ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Chemical Properties of Matter

Chemical Properties of Matter Chemical properties are any of the properties of matter that may only be observed and measured by performing a chemical change or chemical reaction. Chemical properties cannot be determined by touching or viewing a sample; the structure of the sample must be altered for the chemical properties to become apparent. Examples of Chemical Properties Here are some examples of chemical properties. Reactivity with other chemicalsToxicityCoordination numberFlammabilityEnthalpy of formationHeat of combustionOxidation statesChemical stabilityTypes of chemical bonds that will formMore examples Uses of Chemical Properties Scientists use chemical properties to predict whether a sample will participate in a chemical reaction. Chemical properties may be used to classify compounds and find applications for them. Understanding a materials chemical properties helps in its purification, separation from other chemicals or in identification in an unknown sample. Chemical Properties Versus Physical Properties While a chemical property is only revealed by the behavior of a substance in a chemical reaction, a physical property may be observed and measured without changing the composition of a sample. Physical properties include color, pressure, length, and concentration.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Math Lesson PLan (Measuring Angles) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Math Lesson PLan (Measuring Angles) - Essay Example Students with autism perform better in a predictable environment (Ernsperger, 2002). Special signals will be developed which the student can use to draw attention of the teacher if he needs help. These instructions will not disturb the class and will also shield the child from undue attention (Mcminn, 2006). Frequent feedback is essential in order to ensure proper learning. To facilitate this, the student will be questioned repeatedly and his understanding will be tested to ensure he remains on the right track. As frequent questioning in the classroom can be disruptive, special session will be given to the student. Once the students draw two lines intersecting with each other, they will be taught that the point at which they intersect is called as the vertex and angles are formed when two lines meet at the vertex. Students will now be encouraged to give examples where angles are important. They will be asked to give examples from everyday lives. Ask each student to give one example of an angle. This will ensure that students understand what angles mean and what their importance is. The teacher will then distribute an angle worksheet to all the students. This worksheet will include the following – definition of angles, how angles are measured, and 3 categories of angles: acute angle, obtuse angle, and right angle and their definitions. The worksheet to be distributed in shown in appendix A. Special worksheet will be distributed for the student with visual impairment which is readable for him. The worksheet will also serve as class notes which can be given to student suffering from SLI, ESL and hearing impairments. The teacher will then draw the three types of angles on the whiteboard – acute angle, obtuse angle and right angles and explain each and every point mentioned in the worksheet clearly and precisely. While explaining these points, the teacher will face the students at all

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Crime trend Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Crime trend - Essay Example This system of punishment has evolved over the centuries from barbaric methods to correctional ones that would help the offender to get rid of his anti-social tendencies and get rehabilitated into the society where he was earlier a misfit. Public attitudes towards an offender have changed but are not altogether different from what it was, that of a sinner, in earlier times. This is important as it would help one chart the course of the changes in the criminal justice system. One also needs to take into account the changes that have taken place in the society while examining the criminal justice system. These may include the pervasiveness of technology in every aspect of the modern life. Courts and the police too have begun to take into account the evidence and assistance offered by technology to the extent that it is a part of modern life in every respect at this point of time in history. The scaffold in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter represents what the Puritan syst em of justice in America was at a certain point of time in the eighteenth and nineteenth century. The criminal justice system has come a long way from accusing a person without having a proper legal framework. It has also enshrined in this framework the notion of equality that should be the basis of justice in any civilized country. This has been compounded by the expectations of the public in recent years from the criminal justice system where it has become an electoral in almost every country in the world. The nation state has thus been instrumental in creating an environment where everybody would be judged through a secular and modern code of law and order that enables equality in justice and punishment. Equality is however, not always the case when it comes to the distribution of justice. Racial profiling is one of the most important obstacles in the process of criminal justice. This involves the process whereby people of color are discriminated against while the process of just ice is carried out. This may happen on a road where a person of color is stopped just because of their race. This represents deep rooted attitudes of racial superiority that is a part of certain sections of the police (Three faces of Racial Profiling, n.d.). This is an example of how race impinges on the institution of justice in everyday life. This may then extend to include proceedings at courts where a person of color is discriminated against when it comes to credibility, especially when pitted against people who are of White races. This can then be extended to the situation of poor people, those who are often not able to afford lawyers for themselves. The trend of racial profiling has decreased in the past few decades; however, the situation of poor people has not radically improved. This can then also be connected to the situation of people who are doubly deprived or dispossessed. This refers to the condition of poor people of color in the United States of America. They are the n at the receiving end of both their race and class position as a result of prejudices. The failures of the criminal justice system in several cases can be attributed to the rising frustration and helplessness that is felt by these communities in relation to the attitudes of the American middle classes and legal system. This can be seen in the rising number of people who feel that joining a gang may be their only way out of a system

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Alternative approach to quality control Essay Example for Free

Alternative approach to quality control Essay Game do not produce a product therefore Game focuses its attention on the customer service. Selling the software there are levels of quality control and assurance which can not be beat. Here I have suggested different approaches Game could go about to ensure good customer relations and also to further improve their service to customers. Online Gaming Some websites nowadays that have nothing to do with the gaming industry now have online games for their customers. These online games are very enjoyable and are played by people who discover the games or for people who like to play them. Npower is known as a home electricity and gas provider but on their website they also have a cricket game. This is because they sponsored the cricket matches. My suggestion is that Game as being on of the leading retailers in the games market should produce their own online games. These games could cover a wide range of genres and be accessed from their website. This online gaming experience will encourage customers to visit the website more often and maybe checkout the product more often which could lead to an increase in sales. Many people do online gaming whether its business men or school children a good game lasts in people minds so in Game producing these games the are establishing good customer relations. Downloadable Software Many software businesses have their own websites where so can download upgrades for their current product. Sometimes these are free or you have to pay for them. It is also possible for people to pay and download software from the website. Many Gaming producers have patches and upgrades for their Games for download for their website. My suggestion is that Game should contact the games produces and have newly available software downloadable form their website. Customers that have brought the games keep the product number and when they want to download an upgrade for a game go to the website and type it in. This however, can only be done with PC games. This will be beneficial for game as they will be seen as helping the consumer with achieving the best gaming experience. Instead of customers going to the games producers website they just have to go to one website and get all there downloading needs sorted. This causes less hassle for the consumer and builds good relations with customers. Hints and Tips Many people have produced websites based around hints and tips for people having trouble with Games. These websites have a whole load of games and free information for people who are stuck on a particular level of a game. My suggestion is that Game produces their own hints and tips page for their website. The difference will be that customers will get rewarded for looking up the information form the Game website. The way this will work is that a customer will go to the website type in the product number of the particular game with his/her reward card number. This way the person will be rewarded by extra points on the reward card. In doing this Game are solving any difficulties the customer is having with the game he/she has purchased and rewarding them at the same time. This will increase customer satisfaction and maybe increase sales. All these changes will have an affect on a Games different functional area. I will now look at the changes that would have to be made to the functions of the business. Human Resources. Human resources deal with the training and development of staff within a business. To bring about these changes the human resources director would have to retrain current staff and change the training programme for new staff. Marketing There is a marketing director with staff working under him. There job is to promote their stores in a certain way so they get across a distinct brand image. Another one of their jobs is to promote games along side the producer. A new job for marketing would be the best way to promote these changes made to game. Administration This is the link, which ties all the different functional areas together. The management operations director is in charge of seeing that everything is running smoothly across the different functional areas. The changes made to Games quality control will not have that much of an effect on this department. Buying and Selling There are many directors who look after the sales. These are split up into North and South and there is a European sales director. This department is in charge of the sales that each Game store makes. There is also a buying director who takes care of purchasing stock. In this department they would spend money on maybe improving ICT as most of the changes are ICT related. They would also have to buy new software for producing online games. Finance The finance of Game group is a lot like any other businesses finance group. They take care of the financial aspects of the Game Group things like expenditures and turnovers. The changes will not have that much of an effect on this department. # Research and Development Game is a retailer they provide a service they do not actually make the games. Research would be mainly devoted to see if Game can capture more of a market share. The new media director would look into new ways to promote their business. He would look at ways of expanding on the internet and Digital television. New business development director would look to diversify into new markets. The changes would affect this part of Game to research and develop new aspects to improve quality control. Research would have to go into online gaming on their website this is one of the changes. The second change they would have to develop their current website to enable people to download software from it. The third change would involve research into finding hints and tips for games and putting it up on the website. Jaskanwar Singh Pabla Mr Chadha AVCE Business Studies.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

God and Person :: essays research papers

God and Person   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The word â€Å"person† can be interpreted and defined in many different ways, and there are many different aspects to consider when stating what a person really is. Accomplishments, goals, likes, dislikes, and experiences in life make a person who he or she really is. Traits most â€Å"central† to being a person include consciousness, reasoning, self-motivated activity, the capacity to communicate, and having a self-concept. A mind does contribute to a person’s self—a mind is what makes up part of a person, yet does not define one. A soul is the greatest element of a person. Your instincts, personality, and true feelings are all held within the soul of a person. But last, but not least, society has a major contribution and influence on a person, and can sometimes help define what a person really is. There are so many different ideas running free in society that people latch on to, creating and assisting in molding who a person really is. Certain principles and standards of society influence people’s choices and beliefs in life. Society is not a substantial part of who a particular person is, but it is an amazing contributing factor. Events, relationships, and situations throughout someone’s life do show what a person really is. A person is someone who has many different emotions and thoughts within themselves, and the life that one lives through, or the events that one sees, also helps to establish who and what a person evolves and discovers himself or herself to be. A person is someone who stands up for what they believe in to help a cause, someone who appreciates who they are and what life really is, and someone who can decipher the concept and meaning of right from wrong. A person has many aspects, but it is not one particular thing that makes a person a person. It’s mind, body, soul, social issues, and other qualities rolled into one. Epistemological considerations are also used in the definition of a person when considering and bringing God into the picture. Epistemology is being able to know what you know about God; therefore, a person is also made up of beliefs and ideas too. We know about God by reading books, listening to the Word of God at Mass, looking over the Bible, etc., but you must often have faith to even believe in God. Faith and mystery both play majors roles when considering God in the light of the human person.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Meaning of Working Capital Essay

Working capital refers to the part of total capital which is required for day to day working of the business. The funds are required by the business for conducting its regular operations such as purchase of raw materials of finished goods, payment of wages & manufacturing expenses, office and administrative expenses, selling & distribution expenses. The funds necessary for making such regular payments of business is called Working Capital therefore have been defined as â€Å"the amount of funds necessary to cover cost of operating the enterprise.† The working capital of a business enterprise is measured on the basis of its funds locked up in various current assets such as inventors, accounts receivables and cash & bank balance. 2.2 Definition of Working Capital– Various authorities have difined working capital in following manner. (1)â€Å"Working Capital is the amount of funds necessary to cover the cost of operating the buisness enterprise.â€Å"(Shuibn) (2)â€Å"Working Capital is the difference between the book value of the current assets.and the current liablities.â€Å"(Hoagland) 2.3 Circulating Capital– â€Å"Circulating capital means current assets of accompany that are changed in the ordinary course of business from into another, as for example from cash to inventories, inventories to receivables and receivables into cash.† Cash Raw Receivables Materials Finished goods Work-in-progress 2.4. Classification of Working Capital – 1. Gross Working Capital5. Variable Working Capital 2. Net Working Capital 6. Balance Sheet Working Capital 3. Negative Working Capital 7. Cash Working Capital 4. Permanent Working Capital 2.5. Sources of Working Capital- The following are the some important of the sources of working capital.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Fearless Is The Absence Of Fear Essay

Last night I heard my own heart beating sounded like footsteps on my stairs.Six months gone and I’m still reaching even though I know you are not there.I was playing back a thousand memories thinking about everything we have been through.Now I’m pacing down the hall,chasing down the street.Flashback to the night when you said to me â€Å"Nothing is going to change not for me and you.† But not before I knew how much I had to lose after the tragedy. Picture perfect memories scattered all around the floor.I close my eyes and the flashback starts I’m standing there on my front door waiting for you to knock my door.Its the quarter after one and I saw you walking towards my house with a pink evening dress you was wearing.With ruffle and roses on it.You was smiling towards me with a really sweet smile.She is a young lady that taught me the meaning of the real life,she educate me in each lesson that I’m feeble of.She was born Catrina Ariana Florence.She was known as Catie.Her eyes are blue and always sparkling just like the Georgia stars in the sky. But as for me,I would love to call her Ms Florence because it sounds like flower.One day,I remember tears streaming down my face when my step-father and mother left me at the roadside.They said that they don’t want to raise me anymore and I was so sad because I have no relatives and siblings.I slept at the bus stand with tears waiting for my fate.It is raining and I was badly wet and cold. In the morning,Ms Florence saw me and asked what is happening she took me to her house she said that she will take me as her adopted child.I was startled and so happy to hear that starting from that day,I belongs to Ms Florence. In a mundane morning,Ms Florence when out to the outskirts town to buy some groceries,books and some goods.Unfortuntely, when she was driving on the road there was a Ferrari which is speeding towards her.Ms Florence was gone and not been founded, I was so sad.If she was out there,If she was somewhere and if she was moving on I will be waiting for her ever since she have been gone.I just want the way it was before, I just want to see her back at my front door.Three days later,Ms Florence was lying in the hospital for two months. Someone have met her and brought her to the hospital and I was right there beside her all summer long. Music starts playing like the end of a sad movie It is the kind of ending I don’t really wanna see.Beause it is a tragedy and it will only bring me down,now I don’t know what to be without you around.Ms Florence used to teach me how to cook, so since she was in hospital,I used to cook by myself. I cleaned the house and did the household chores.Everyday I will study two hours a day,I want to make Ms Florence proud of me when she woke up. Maybe I’m just a girl on a mission but I’m ready to fly.I need to be fearless in life.It is the absence of fear. All the things that I did was from Ms Florence,she is my mother and my teacher.Two months later,Ms Florence was confirmed by the doctor that she was strong enough to go home. Now,Ms Florence has getting well and we undergo our lives as usual.We are getting stronger now from things they never found.Life might be bigger but we were faster and never scared. Ms Florence taught me that no matter what happens in life, be good to people. Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind. The lesson I have learned the most often in life is that you’re always going to know more in the future than you know now.Thank you Ms Florence for being a good mother and a really worthly teacher for me. The way you walk,the way you talk it’s beautiful and wonderful don’t you ever change.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Argumentative Essay Sample on Banning Pit Bulls

Argumentative Essay Sample on Banning Pit Bulls There are indeed many reasons why pit bulls should be banned and among these is the vicious nature of pit bulls. As much as there are those individuals who may argue that pit bulls are loving pets that only suffer negative publicity from the media, the facts on the ground speak a different story. Many individuals from different parts of the US have reported their pets being mauled to death by pit bulls and such cases just go to demonstrate the vicious nature of these animals. It is true that pit bulls tend to be very loyal and loving to their owners, but it is also true that these animals have powerful instincts that drive them to attack other dogs and even human beings. Not only are pets viciously attacked by pit bulls on a daily basis, but also human beings are also often attacked by pit bulls. This is especially true when people end up in territories that pit bulls believe are theirs. Unlike many other dogs species that may let go of a victim, a pit bull rarely lets go of its vict im and its powerful grip often results in a fatality. Another reason why pit bulls should be banned is because the owners of these dogs rarely accept accountability for their pets’ actions, instead choosing to blame attacks on the animal’s natural instincts. It is only natural that if an animal attacks, bites or even kills, the owner should be looked for so the owner can be accountable for not controlling their animal. While the owners of other pets in most cases accept accountability for their pets’ actions, the owners of pit bulls are often vicious defenders of their animals and tend to blame the individual for the actions of their pit bulls. The high statistics of pit bull attacks are scary enough to warrant a ban of these animals. In the US, pit bulls account for approximately 5 percent of the total dog population. However, of the approximately 100 dog bite fatalities reported, close to 55 are attributed to pit bulls. Breaking down these statistics illustrates that a US citizen dies every three weeks due to a pit bull attack. Continuing to legalize these animals can therefore be taken to imply that more importance is being placed on the lives of these dogs more than on the lives of human beings. As much as there are those who may argue that it is not only pit bulls that bite and that all dogs have the potential to bite, the fact that pit bulls are more likely to bite than other dogs cannot be simply ignored. The high likelihood of these dogs biting and injuring individuals and other dogs can be traced to the fact that these dogs tend to be more aggressive and irritable, compared to other kinds of dogs. These dogs are not only dangerous to outsiders but can also harm their owners or even members of the owners’ families. Tips on Writing an Argumentative Essays: Avoid sentiments in your essay, use more factual information. Use only real evidence that can be proven. Draft your essay before writing it on a clean piece of paper.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Assyrian Crisis Essay Research Paper THE ASSYRIAN

Assyrian Crisis Essay, Research Paper THE ASSYRIAN CRISIS, A TIME OF GROWTH The Assyrian Crisis in Judah appears, from the surface, as a clip of great fortune for the people of Jerusalem. However, by analyzing the state of affairs with a more powerful lens, one can see the powerful spiritual infuence such an event could hold on a resident s divinity. If I were a Judean during this clip, my religion would hold faced the toughest trial of my life. Traveling into such a struggle with a state every bit strong as Assyria, I could non assist but be afraid. My castanetss would tremble at the idea of devastation of the Holy City of Jerusalem, of the people of Judah, and of my ain being. Although I would hold believed in God, I would still be filled with fright. This fright would intensify when I heard a courier for the male monarch of Assyria, as stated in Isaiah 36, mocking God, dissing His power and doubting His salvaging grace on Jerusalem. He goes on to seek and convice us, the people of Jerusalem, that Hezekiah is non trusty, and that we will non happen aid in Egypt because they are non dependable. Finally, cognizing the way of devastation that Assyria has already created, and their hungriness for more, in add-on to the courier s statement that the Lord has commanded Assyria to travel and destruct Jerusalem, my feelings of fright and uncertainty would uncontrollably well up inside me. We are, after all, merely human, and fright is a common feeling, despite where we stand with God. No adult male lives without fright, but though fear our religion is tested and strengthened. Upon hearing and sing the truth of Isaiah s claim that God will save Jerusalem and coerce the Assyrians back place, my religion in God would be fortified. In the times of fright, I would hold realized how weak, how immature, and how far I must travel in my religion and trust in God. But one time I heard Isaiah s prognostication, I would utilize it as a manner to make off with my fright. Knowing that God was traveling to salvage His Holy City, and that He was traveling to go on with His perfect program for world that dated back every bit far as the times of Abraham and held a hereafter for the reaching of the Messiah, I would cognize that my God follows His programs and maintain His promises. Through this, I would hold peace. I would shortly larn that I can swear Him in everything because as it says in Scripture, if God is for us, who can be against us? Bing a occupant of His Holy City, I would cognize that God was on my side everlastingly, and whatever uncertainty I of all time had i n God s promises or programs for my life would be washed off. Sing God spare my life, along with my metropolis, I could non assist but reconstruct all assurance that was lost in my Father. I would be able to follow Psalms 46:10, and be still, cognizing that He is God. What a comfort! What a sense of utter religion, arrant dependance, and arrant submission! Harmonizing to Isaiah 37:25-29, God had given Assyria the power that it had and allowed them to suppress who they did. But, upon recognizing the attiude and jeers of the Assyrians towards Himself, God sent them place and allowed their male monarch to be murdered. This transition would hold taught me, as a Judean, the other side of God: His choler. I had already experienced His grace and fidelity in salvaging my life and metropolis, but I now would larn that God s penalty is existent, that what we do against God will non travel unaccounted for. And sometimes, as with the male monarch of Assyria, the penalty is every bit dearly-won as one s life. This would learn me how nescient I would be if I were to mock my Father. Because of what He has so gracefully saved me from and due to the grounds of His power in penalty, I would larn to so grateful and so in debt to God, that there is no room or ground to diss Him. Furthermore, the grounds of God s grace as a lesson to my religion could be seen in two more instances. The first involves God promise to Hezekiah that the state of Judah will one time once more return the luxury it existed in. This involved an addition in harvests over the undermentioned old ages and a repopulation of the land. God s promise was fulfilled, and Judah shortly returned to their normacy. Associating this to my life, I could be assured that whatever tests I encounter, that God is ever in complete and entire control, and that He will reconstruct me. The 2nd grounds of His grace is seen in Hezekiah s unwellness. When Hezekiah turned to God in ardent supplication for healing, God responded to his supplication by leting him to populate for 15 more old ages. By God s response, I would hold learned that God has the power to alter the full class of our lives through our supplication life, and that I should neer waver to inquire God for extremist alterations, every bit long as I honor Him with those alterations. Hezekiah went on to talk of the significance of go throughing the joy of the Lord from coevals to coevals in Isaiah 38:19. As a lesson to me, I would hold used this to understand that the heritage of our religion has come to us because of faithful work forces and adult females who have carried God s message throughout the centuries. Recognizing this, I would see myself as the following torchbearer. The writers of 2 Kings write about the history of Israel, halfway between the decease of David and the decease of the state. Israel has been divided, and the two lands have begun to skid ito devotion and corruptness toward prostration and imprisonment. 2 Kings relates the seamy narratives of the 12 male monarchs of the Northern Kingdom ( Israel ) and the 16 male monarchs of the Southern Kingdom ( Judah ) . For 130 old ages, Israel endures the sequence of evil swayers, until the are conquere vitamin D by Assyrian and led into imprisonment. The evil male monarchs were short-sighted, and they thought they could command their states fates by importing other faiths with their graven images, organizing confederations with pagan states, and cenriching themselves. Of all the male monarchs in both the North and South, merely two are called good. The good male monarchs had to pass most of their clip undoing the evil done by their predecessors. Because of their obeisance to God and the religious resurgences during their reigns, Judah stands for an extra 136 old ages. By composing about such events in the history of Israel and Judah, the writers of 2 Kings would hold been influenced by what happened in the Assyrian crisis with Hezekiah. Through much of the book of 2 Kings, the writers understood the convulsion and the effects of holding evil and good male monarchs in a state. With an evil male monarch, came evil workss of blasphemy and devotion, and wickedness perculated through the state. With a good male monarch, nevertheless, God was kept in the foresight, and He would bless the state with protection and endurance. The writers besides caught a glance of God s forbearance and the manner He speaks to His people through Prophetss. God told his people that if they obeyed him, they would populate successfully ; if they disobeyed, they would be judged and destroyed. Had had been patient with the people for 100s of old ages. He sent many Prophetss to steer them and warn them, but even His forbearance has bounds, as the writers wrote about. The writers of 2 Kings would respond to the Assyrian crisis with a great sense of apprehension and readying, because they wrote about so many incidents like it, and knew how a good and evil male monarch could impact the hereafter of his state. They would see the state of affairs as fundamentally an evil male monarch from Assyria vs a good, Devout male monarch from Jerusalem, and therefore the writers could easy think that those with God in head would be the masters, in this instance, the metropolis of Jerusalem. After seeing the crisis semen to cloture as they suspected, the writers of 2 Kings would hold their religion supported. They would be more confident in cognizing that God does, in fact, take favourites when it comes to esteeming or mocking Him. They would besides go on to see how He can be really gracious, or really barbarous, depending on how people treat Him. To the male monarchs that followed Hezekiah, the Assyrian crisis would render utile as a lesson on how to populate in God s eyes. They would be able to look back on the state of affairs and see non merely how Jerusalem was saved from such incredible odds, but besides blessed afterwards. They could besides look back and see the subplot of how Hezekiah overcame the odds of decease. By analysing such scenarios, the future male monarchs must inquire themselves why the metropolis of Jerusalem and Hezekiah lucky, and how they can acquire lucky excessively. The lesson they will larn, nevertheless, will surprise them when they discover that fortune was non involved. It was the mere fact that the metropolis of Jerusalem and Hezekiah s life were both saved because Hezekiah had his eyes fixed on God, and prayed fierily to Him. God, through His limitless power, turned away the mighty Assyrian ground forces, and through His grace and clemency gave Jerusalem back the luxury it one time had in the old ages after the crisis. Out of love, He besides gave Hezekiah 15 extra old ages to populate, despite being deathlike ailment. The power of supplication proved to be true. At the same clip, nevertheless, the future male monarchs would see the choler of God when He is blasphemied through the slaying of the male monarch of Assyria. At a glimpse, this may all look to be luck, but looking nearer would learn the male monarchs after Hezekiah to esteem God and maintain Him foremost in their lives and their state if they wish to be successful and safe. From the position of the apostle Paul, the Assyrian crisis would function as a contemplation of his life. Many similarites can be seen between Paul, the Assyrians, and Hezekiah, and through these, Paul would understand what it means to be with God or without Him. By reflecting on the Assyrian crisis, Paul would experience a great sense of peace and gratitude for God s salvaging grace. The male monarch of Assyria was a adult male who blasphemied God. He was a adult male who was on a mission of bid and conquer, and nil was traveling to acquire in his manner. Once he reached the metropolis of Jerusalem, he persecuted Christians at that place, including Hezekiah, the male monarch, with words of jeer and abuses directed towards God. By assailing the Christian religion in this manner, the male monarch of Assyria was seeking to turn out the Christian s God was merely like all other Gods, powerless. Similarly, Paul persecuted Christians by traveling to Damascus to capture them and convey the m back to Jerusalem. He hated the Christian religion and persecuted it without clemency. He, nevertheless, converted to Christianity subsequently and became an amazing tool of God s for distributing the Gospel. Populating such a life against God in his yesteryear, Paul could hold easy compare himself with the male monarch of Assyria. Paul would derive great peace and thankfulneess when he realized God s penalty to the male monarch of Assyria was decease, and that he escaped such penalty and was saved by God. Additionally, seeing the successes of Hezekiah, like returning Judah to the luxury it one time experienced, being saved from the Assyrians, and being given 15 excess old ages to populate after his unwellness, Paul would shortly recognize that the lone ground God was so gracious and merciful with Hezekiah was because he kept his eyes on Him. This would learn Paul that, if he were to be successful, he must maintain his focal point in life on God.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Students' Rights to Their Own Language Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Students' Rights to Their Own Language - Essay Example Considering America is an English-speaking nation, the language of teaching, writing and giving any education instruction is preferably English. Immigrant Parents advocate for their children to learn the English language because it is the language of opportunities in America, where they reside (Goode Web). They argue that teaching the students in their native languages will jeopardize the student’s chances in the job market where the English language is dominant. This notion is however, facing criticism with some parties arguing that students should reserve the right to their own patterns and varieties of language while writing their academic work. Therefore, there have been arguments and counter arguments for and against the policy statement adopted by the National Council of Teachers of English in 1974, Students Right to Their Own Language. This paper briefly discusses pros and cons of National Council of Teachers of English policy on language and then supports the statement . The use of one’s language in communication is a complicated phenomenon. The way we speak and the way we write our academic works is largely different. In recent times, uniformity manifests between the two although much success is in the offing in accommodating communication in diverse dialects as proposed in the statement. The use of the written English faces criticism from the inclusive American minorities who have proposed a shift from this norm. A dialect is a language used by a defined group of people. The diversity in dialects is because of different age or educational groups that people belong (CCCC 5). As such, most speakers profess more than one dialect, which pose a great challenge to America’s education sector. Since a dialect closely relates to a culture, accepting a new dialect is like accepting a new culture and the reverse is true. Thus, switching a dialect is a complicated issue. A rejection of any dialect in favor of the American dialect is an act of discrimination and exertion of dominance over less prevalent dialects. Indeed, the success of any speaker cannot be defined by dialect. Undeniably, the right to student’s native dialects deserves respect. Additionally, as individuals tend to maturity, they incline to their language patterns, which are difficult to change (CCCC 7). In fact, the idea of forcing an adolescent to learn the Standard English dialect is a hard assignment that might work against them while competing with students who are naturally fluent in the English language. For the purposes of fairness, the students should use their own dialect in academic work. Similarly, no dialect is good to dismiss others in general use. Therefore, the plural student society will require multiple languages to address the education curriculum needs. Another challenge that resides in the Edited American English (EAE) is the ability to write. The EAE requires a lot of precision in writing, spelling, punctuations, and interpreta tion. It warrants competence to learn how to speak and write a different dialect fluently. Hence, students should use the dialect they are fluent in speaking, writting, and interpreting in their academic work. Additionally, the dialect that students use in reading does not affect the interpreted meaning of any piece of an academic work since reading involves decoding the meaning and not decoding the utterances (CCCC 9). Hence, the adoption by National Council of Teachers of English in 1974, on the Students Right to Their Own Language, was relevant (NCTE Web). To achieve