Tuesday, June 9, 2020

What Does World Literature Mean in a Funeral Oration

What Does World Literature Mean in a Funeral Oration?The funeral oration is a literary work in honor of a dead person. It is a form of speech that is given in the final farewell to a person who is no longer with us. To understand this literary work, we must be familiar with the world literature of these times. This will allow us to understand the word composition and provide a sort of structure to the funeral oration essay.Plato believed that a funeral oration should be an expression of the soul of the deceased and this was actually the view of Pericles who was a Greek philosopher. Pericles believed that the funeral oration should be a dramatic presentation of the life of the deceased. However, it is the reading of the speech that brings to mind the world literature. And the world literature was taken from the world of tragedy and comedy, which were two forms of story telling.There were three types of playwrights; tragedy, comedy and elegy. Of these the last is the most well known an d has the most known subjects which include death, death. This type of world literature was what Pericles wanted to convey in his funeral oration.Shakespeare understood the world literature. He was famous for using those subjects, namely death, in his plays. Shakespeare was able to use his knowledge of tragedy and comedy to have these subjects appear in his plays in an accurate manner. And because of this, he was able to use them to convey a certain feeling to the audience.Shakespeare had one of the most famous tragedies, called Macbeth, which dealt with a very tragic death. Macbeth the King, an English king, is being murdered by the Scottish tyrant, Duncan. Macbeth, the murderer, wants to kill himself. He understands that he cannot kill Duncan.Macbeth is being held captive in the dungeon, and he realizes that he cannot die. But, as he tries to imagine his future, he thinks about the many things that will occur. His wife and children will be killed. They will betray him and his chil dren will live miserable lives. With all of these thoughts running through his mind, Macbeth finally chooses the only option left.Macbeth kills himself and in the process he has to kill Duncan and then when he sees Duncan's spirit, he realizes what he has done. He becomes a murderer for life. And this is the world literature of the final farewell of the dead.If you want to write your own funeral oration, you must be familiar with the world literature. You must understand the subject matter and make sure that you have a connection with the people who are present at the funeral service.

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